Thursday, November 10, 2011

They Walk Among Us... Do they, really? - "I Am Number Four"

Oh gosh. here i go. :)

so i got curious about this book since i never saw the movie (i know, i kind of live under a rock), so i bought it last week and i gotta say: i wasn't hooked eventually. i thought the narration of the death of Three was going to go on forever, and it just seemed so awfully grim.

but eventually, Four began to tell his story, and my face was like this close to the page all day until i finished it. i have to say, i have always been curious about aliens ever since i could remember... since i watched ROSWELL, i think.

anyway, so here's what i think: the story is so believable, i have a hard time believing it's fiction. i mean, it has this logic that is at par with the Percy Jackson & the Olympians series (which i'm going to write about one of these days because it's my ultimate favorite), and i really admire Pittacus Lore for doing that "leader of the Elders" thing. i wonder why he did that, though. why pretend to be an alien if you can get the credit for being the author of a great series? ah, well, only he knows that, i guess.

so yeah, it was definitely... hmm.. interesting. it kept me glued and everything for something that's not that humorous.

something that annoyed me a bit was the love story. i dunno, i guess there's just too much kissing, it's really gooey. haha, i'm babbling. it was nice the way Four found his first love in the human race, though. and Sarah was definitely deserving. :)

the message was clear enough, i guess: take care of Mother Earth, while there's still time. :) i definitely applaud Pittacus for that. who knows? maybe, in time, like Lorien, she'll give us superpowers in return. ;)

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