Thursday, November 3, 2011

Behind All the Wandwork - Harry Potter series

have you ever wondered what the Harry Potter series is really about? i mean, behind all the fantasy and the seemingly violent sorcery?

(well, my dad has. i'm actually posting this for his sake.)

Harry has been a part of my life since fifth grade, when that summer, i chose Goblet of Fire over a vacation in Manila. yes well, don't blame me; i was too lazy to go to the hot, polluted city. Fortunately, i didn't regret the decision. i LOVED Goblet of Fire, and Half-Blood Prince, Deathly Hallows, Prisoner of Azkaban, Sorcerer's Stone and Chamber of Secrets soon followed. Before i knew it, i was addicted. and it didn't even matter that i read the series in that chaotic way.

and then my dad was like, what do you even get from that? and he was all like, read about current events instead, and blah blah blah. i was all like, sure, dad! but really, i was thinking about his question and how i could defend my favorite hero.

so then i read behind the meanings of each story, and i found that from beginning to end, (and as corny as this may sound,) it was love that was always at work. it was love that made voldie's curse backfire, love that made harry so pure as to look into the mirror of erised and find the sorcerer's stone, love that made him find true friendship in ron and hermione, and love, in the end, for his friends, that made him survive his final encounter with voldie.

well, all i can say is:

beat that, current events! :)

"Dumbledore would have been happier to think there was a little more love in the world." - Professor McGonagall

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