Wednesday, November 2, 2011

"Has The Sheep Eaten The Flower?" - The Little Prince

okay, it's make or break here. this is my first official entry to my 7 month reading marathon and i'm a bit nervous. but since i don't really have readers (my mom, dad, and cousins don't count), what the heck?

so. the little prince. the story on how i heard about this book is really weird. when i was about ten, there was a movie where my favorite lead actor absolutely LOVED this book, so i resolved to buy it.

five years later, i still haven't bought it, and by pure chance of course, at this contest where my teammate and i were one point away from winning, i was asked the question: "In what book can you find this quote: 'It is only with the heart that once can see rightly; what is essential is invisible to the eye'?". You can imagine my disappointment as i wrote down "Twilight" and the answer was actually this particular book.

so, we lost the contest by a point and my resolve became even stronger. i am going to BUY THIS BOOK. and so i did. i don't really know why; i should have hated it because it was the one thing that caused our loss. but i bought it, and i read it with utmost attention, like i was going to encounter questions about it in another contest or something.

so anyway...

there is only one thing i can say: Antoine De Saint-Exupery was a genius. not in that snobbish, unreachable way, but in that innocently amazing way only a children's book can be. from the dedication to the note at the end, i was totally engrossed. every word seemed so trivial, but words of wisdom were hidden everywhere. every character played a part. nobody was an extra. everything was written simply, but all of them should be deciphered for hidden meanings.

i know that as a sixteen-year-old, i can't really convince anyone of its brilliance, but i do think it is. and all the time, i was thinking... what if i become like the adults in the book? geez, that would be abominable. ah well. i sometimes wonder if the little prince did land in the Sahara. i know it's a long shot, but... what if?

and even for months after reading the book, i kept thinking... has the sheep really eaten the flower? i doubt even Antoine found out.

'The Little Prince' cover art

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