Wednesday, November 2, 2011

NOTE: This is Not Nerdy!

geez, it's been almost a month since i last blogged (counting the one I just deleted, of course. i have to set goals here. :)

you know, i have just seen Julie and Julia, you know, the movie about the girl with the blog about food and the happy ending? i'm actually planning to write about something i love, too, but not food, of course, because i can't even cook anything with the exception of cup noodles. the idea was just so nice because i sort of need the distraction, what with graduating and all, so i wish i could do what she did.

wait wait, i'm being sentimental.

anyway, where was i? right. i can't really write about food, because i don't even cook.

so yeah... what do i love? there's music, but i don't think anyone cares about my genres - country, mostly. with a little hip-hop and rock, but i can't really blog about something so changeable and trivial as songs, can i? geez. oh i'm blabbing again. but that's the point of a blog, isn't it? you can talk about whatever you want and nobody cares! :D

hmm... okay so i won't write about music... what else is there? school? blearchh. forget i even said that. oh, i know! books!

well, doesn't that sound nerdy? haha, i'm not talking about text books or anything. i'll write about the books i read - fiction, mostly. but i'll try my best to diversify. anyway, they're just opinions and the like..

i'll write as i please. i'll praise and critique the books i read for the next 7 months, right until the start of college. hopefully i do them justice, and they help me grow as a person (cheesy, i know) and get ready for the dreaded... (and i quote my dad) "real life".

so, are you ready? i certainly am! i'll start with my favorite book, of course!

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