Thursday, November 10, 2011

They Walk Among Us... Do they, really? - "I Am Number Four"

Oh gosh. here i go. :)

so i got curious about this book since i never saw the movie (i know, i kind of live under a rock), so i bought it last week and i gotta say: i wasn't hooked eventually. i thought the narration of the death of Three was going to go on forever, and it just seemed so awfully grim.

but eventually, Four began to tell his story, and my face was like this close to the page all day until i finished it. i have to say, i have always been curious about aliens ever since i could remember... since i watched ROSWELL, i think.

anyway, so here's what i think: the story is so believable, i have a hard time believing it's fiction. i mean, it has this logic that is at par with the Percy Jackson & the Olympians series (which i'm going to write about one of these days because it's my ultimate favorite), and i really admire Pittacus Lore for doing that "leader of the Elders" thing. i wonder why he did that, though. why pretend to be an alien if you can get the credit for being the author of a great series? ah, well, only he knows that, i guess.

so yeah, it was definitely... hmm.. interesting. it kept me glued and everything for something that's not that humorous.

something that annoyed me a bit was the love story. i dunno, i guess there's just too much kissing, it's really gooey. haha, i'm babbling. it was nice the way Four found his first love in the human race, though. and Sarah was definitely deserving. :)

the message was clear enough, i guess: take care of Mother Earth, while there's still time. :) i definitely applaud Pittacus for that. who knows? maybe, in time, like Lorien, she'll give us superpowers in return. ;)

Thursday, November 3, 2011

Behind All the Wandwork - Harry Potter series

have you ever wondered what the Harry Potter series is really about? i mean, behind all the fantasy and the seemingly violent sorcery?

(well, my dad has. i'm actually posting this for his sake.)

Harry has been a part of my life since fifth grade, when that summer, i chose Goblet of Fire over a vacation in Manila. yes well, don't blame me; i was too lazy to go to the hot, polluted city. Fortunately, i didn't regret the decision. i LOVED Goblet of Fire, and Half-Blood Prince, Deathly Hallows, Prisoner of Azkaban, Sorcerer's Stone and Chamber of Secrets soon followed. Before i knew it, i was addicted. and it didn't even matter that i read the series in that chaotic way.

and then my dad was like, what do you even get from that? and he was all like, read about current events instead, and blah blah blah. i was all like, sure, dad! but really, i was thinking about his question and how i could defend my favorite hero.

so then i read behind the meanings of each story, and i found that from beginning to end, (and as corny as this may sound,) it was love that was always at work. it was love that made voldie's curse backfire, love that made harry so pure as to look into the mirror of erised and find the sorcerer's stone, love that made him find true friendship in ron and hermione, and love, in the end, for his friends, that made him survive his final encounter with voldie.

well, all i can say is:

beat that, current events! :)

"Dumbledore would have been happier to think there was a little more love in the world." - Professor McGonagall

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

"Has The Sheep Eaten The Flower?" - The Little Prince

okay, it's make or break here. this is my first official entry to my 7 month reading marathon and i'm a bit nervous. but since i don't really have readers (my mom, dad, and cousins don't count), what the heck?

so. the little prince. the story on how i heard about this book is really weird. when i was about ten, there was a movie where my favorite lead actor absolutely LOVED this book, so i resolved to buy it.

five years later, i still haven't bought it, and by pure chance of course, at this contest where my teammate and i were one point away from winning, i was asked the question: "In what book can you find this quote: 'It is only with the heart that once can see rightly; what is essential is invisible to the eye'?". You can imagine my disappointment as i wrote down "Twilight" and the answer was actually this particular book.

so, we lost the contest by a point and my resolve became even stronger. i am going to BUY THIS BOOK. and so i did. i don't really know why; i should have hated it because it was the one thing that caused our loss. but i bought it, and i read it with utmost attention, like i was going to encounter questions about it in another contest or something.

so anyway...

there is only one thing i can say: Antoine De Saint-Exupery was a genius. not in that snobbish, unreachable way, but in that innocently amazing way only a children's book can be. from the dedication to the note at the end, i was totally engrossed. every word seemed so trivial, but words of wisdom were hidden everywhere. every character played a part. nobody was an extra. everything was written simply, but all of them should be deciphered for hidden meanings.

i know that as a sixteen-year-old, i can't really convince anyone of its brilliance, but i do think it is. and all the time, i was thinking... what if i become like the adults in the book? geez, that would be abominable. ah well. i sometimes wonder if the little prince did land in the Sahara. i know it's a long shot, but... what if?

and even for months after reading the book, i kept thinking... has the sheep really eaten the flower? i doubt even Antoine found out.

'The Little Prince' cover art

NOTE: This is Not Nerdy!

geez, it's been almost a month since i last blogged (counting the one I just deleted, of course. i have to set goals here. :)

you know, i have just seen Julie and Julia, you know, the movie about the girl with the blog about food and the happy ending? i'm actually planning to write about something i love, too, but not food, of course, because i can't even cook anything with the exception of cup noodles. the idea was just so nice because i sort of need the distraction, what with graduating and all, so i wish i could do what she did.

wait wait, i'm being sentimental.

anyway, where was i? right. i can't really write about food, because i don't even cook.

so yeah... what do i love? there's music, but i don't think anyone cares about my genres - country, mostly. with a little hip-hop and rock, but i can't really blog about something so changeable and trivial as songs, can i? geez. oh i'm blabbing again. but that's the point of a blog, isn't it? you can talk about whatever you want and nobody cares! :D

hmm... okay so i won't write about music... what else is there? school? blearchh. forget i even said that. oh, i know! books!

well, doesn't that sound nerdy? haha, i'm not talking about text books or anything. i'll write about the books i read - fiction, mostly. but i'll try my best to diversify. anyway, they're just opinions and the like..

i'll write as i please. i'll praise and critique the books i read for the next 7 months, right until the start of college. hopefully i do them justice, and they help me grow as a person (cheesy, i know) and get ready for the dreaded... (and i quote my dad) "real life".

so, are you ready? i certainly am! i'll start with my favorite book, of course!