Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Destiny? psshaw.

Nope, I don't believe in destiny. In life, maybe, but in love?

I mean, true love doesn't even exist!!! I know that sounds emo, but I feel extremely scientific about this thing we call LOVE. It's just hormones.

I refuse to be a slave to it, because I don't want to get hurt again!!! And I don't want to hurt other people...

GAAAAHHH!!! What am I going to do???

Sorry guys, just blabbing. Forget everything you read. :)

Sunday, September 4, 2011

The Heroes of Olympus: The Son of Neptune RELEASE

Book two will FINALLY be here! On October 4, 2011, we will find out what happened to Percy, where he is, and if he and Annabeth will still be together after all of this. Of course, we already know Annabeth is the only thing he can remember (swoon), so of that we're reassured.

Oh, and there's the fact that they will go to Greece!... Not that it will be a field trip; they have to fight monsters along the way.

The questions that remain are: who are the remaining demigods mentioned in the Great Prophecy? Will they "bear arms to the Doors of Death"? Will the world really end?

And... Will this book be released on the same date in the Philippines? It's killing me, really.

Thursday, September 1, 2011

The Joy of Dancing (I can't believe I just wrote that)

yes, well, we WON! haha! finally.

I mean, we did put a lot of effort in our dance... (okay, we rehearsed for like, four days, but we put our HEART and SOUL into it, you know?)

I never really knew what was happening around me. I was just too preoccupied with what we were doing onstage. And it felt so GOOD! ahh!!!

it felt like conquering the world, really. I can't believe I discovered it just now. I've missed it my whole life! :D

I admit, I haven't thought about anything besides singing and playing instruments. Never thought dancing could ever make me feel relaxed and powerful at the same time, like singing does.

But found out today, and I'm never going to let this go. :)

To all you guys out there: try dancing. even if you're not good at it (like me), it's great therapy. :)