Saturday, November 21, 2015

Reading my old posts

I was making a couple of academic papers for school (yes I'm in college now, can you believe it?) when I stumbled upon my old blog.

It has been TWO YEARS since I've last written and whoa do my posts make me laugh! HAHAHAHAHAHAHA sorry I had to get that out.

This is my book blog and I realized all my reviews have been pretty gut-based, a lot of "I love this" and "I love that" and not enough substance. Being young was not an excuse, Toni, you were eighteen when you wrote that Mortal Instruments one.

I also realized how much I've grown and how much my taste have differed after two years (discovering Battle Royale made me think not less of The Hunger Games, only more aware of its "unoriginality", and nope that's not a word)

An update for my future self reading this is this:

20-year-old Toni is in love with comic books (Deadpool is going to have a movie all to himself next year, the deserving bastard), children's books (Stargirl is a personal favorite) and classics (still, that never went away), and has tried to read the LOTR series for the boy she loved, but only got through ten chapters, because FELLOWSHIP IS TOO FUCKING LONG. As of now she is waiting for a long enough vacation to start reading it again, because her motto in life is "Try everything at least thrice, so it's statistically significant." And she is also hoping the writing will be different from Tolkien's The Hobbit, because that book was childish for aaaaall the wrong reasons.

Toni has also cut her hair short because she wanted to for so long now and decided society (and her beloved mother) was in no place to tell her not to. (Love you ma). She also got glasses because apparently she has had astigmatism all these years, and crying while reading was not normal (unless a beloved character dies).

She has also tried to get cultured in movies because her childhood, as you know, was never filled with them. She has discovered Citizen Kane and The Shawshank Redemption, and Jurassic Park. She loves all of them, even the sappy romances.

She has also discovered a new love for TV series (although this started two years ago when she got too busy in school to read books for pleasure). Breaking Bad is her all-time favorite, followed by Game of Thrones, Friends, HIMYM, the awesome BBC's Sherlock, and Marvel's Daredevil on Netflix.

She is also afraid she pushed herself too hard this school year, with tutoring and being VP for Screening for an org she loves but she does not see herself being a part of as a grown-up. She mostly stays there for her friends and the kids and the elders and the medical missions and the blood donations... and at the end of the day, she feels better because she knows the members she will bring in will take care of the org she loves.

She has decided to become a lawyer almost a year ago, and has now worked her ass off to graduate as soon as possible given the fact she shifted twice. She will do anything, anything to be a JD, and I hope by the time you read this, future Toni, you are well on your way to becoming one.

She has been through a tough time in 2015, the hardest it ever got. The worst of the bunch was she realized she had no home now, and the only consolation through those tough times was her mother coming home, and her father visiting, and the three of them being together for at least a month. It was everything to her.

Don't forget about 2015. It was the year Toni pushed herself to her limits. She thought she wouldn't make it, but she did.

You did.

That's something to be proud of. Go you!