Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Pocket-sized Philosophy

to my four awesome readers: sorry i have not posted in sooooo long, haha. i've had acads and stuff,and like, life... :))  anyway...

i have been obsessed with Paulo Coelho books recently. i mean i know, i feel backwards because i just started reading his books, but hey, better late than never, so...

i started on The Fifth Mountain first (i got it on a sale, shh) and it was just so... captivating. there's no other word for it. it was dramatic, descriptive, a little melancholy, hopeful, just the perfect mix of everything. once you start, you can't turn away from the page. plus, it's something worth your time; you're not just reading for pleasure, but for spiritual growth. (yeah, i just said that)

it's basically like going through Philo 101 with Coelho, but in a fun way. or i guess, in a funner way. funner? more fun?

anyway, yeah... so my favorite is The Alchemist. isn't it everyone's? it's like EVERY SINGLE QUOTE is meant for you. like really, it's awesome. haha, i should be more descriptive, but there you go. it reminds me of my favorite book, The Little Prince. :)

if it's your first time reading Coelho (i doubt it, but just in case you're backwards like i am), i'd suggest The Alchemist. it's about your destiny, and pursuing it, and all the awesome stuff. i won't spoil it now. :D

so yeah, go on ahead and explore life with Paulo Coelho! you won't regret it. ;)

the entire collection. miiiiiine!!! :))

Saturday, April 7, 2012

Happy Hunger Games! And May The Odds...

be EVER in your favor.

The three leads in the movie:  Liam Hemsworth, Jennifer Lawrence and Josh Hutcherson

okay, so The Hunger Games. i first heard of this series last January (i know, i know, pitiful), when Ginny Goodwin (of Once Upon A Time, eeep!) mentioned it in an interview, alongside Harry Potter, as one of her favorite series. i thought i'd check it out, but since this is the Philippines, and i'm in Bicol, i couldn't really find the books anywhere (or anywhere in our ONE bookstore in Legaspi, anyway).

THEN i saw Taylor Swift's new song Safe and Sound in February and it was part of the OST of the movie adaptation of the series, and so my curiosity got rekindled, because this seemed to be a high-budget film. and they wouldn't spend money on a crappy story line, right? so i pleaded with all my might to my cousin to find it in Manila so she could send it to me before the showing (i like to read first before watching, if you know what i mean).

Taylor Swift in the Safe and Sound Music Video

So by March 9, i was reading The Hunger Games, and by March 10 i was finishing Mockingjay. and OHMYGODS they were addicting. not as addicting as Harry Potter or Percy Jackson, but the series really touched me, especially the way Katniss was narrating her story. it was the PERFECT mix of violence, drama and love, if i could say so myself, haha. xD not that i know much of violence... it was probably why teenagers appreciated the series so much. :))

The Hunger Games Trilogy

why do i love it? hmm.. well, i guess because if there is one thing i hate, it's the unfairness of this world. (is that a word, "unfairness"? guess so, my computer didn't check it...) and what could be more unfair than a dystopian future where everything went wrong? i just couldn't help shouting for change (you know, metaphorically) alongside Katniss, because i wanted so much to end the Hunger Games that caused so much hurt to the remaining humans. and of course, there's Peeta. enough said. :)

Josh Hutcherson as Peeta Mellark

if i had to pick my favorite book among the series, i would have to pick The Hunger Games, because:

(spoiler alert)

  1. Catching Fire was DEPRESSING.
  2. Mockingjay was EVEN MORE DEPRESSING, and i can't handle that much depression in my life.

of course, Mockingjay made it up on the depressing part when Peeta and Katniss got married. it was like, the only happy ending there, besides Annie having a child and Haymitch living with Peeta and Katniss in District 12 (wait, is that really a happy ending?).

anyway, so after i read the series, i couldn't wait to watch the movie, but unfortunately i got sick, so i couldn't watch it until the 28th (sorry, telling my life story here). so yeah,  i have to applaud Gary Ross for directing a wonderful movie. it couldn't have been more faithful to the book. there were minor changes to the story line, but they don't really matter to me much (except perhaps Madge's absence), because the actors played their characters perfectly, especially the two leads, Jennifer Lawrence and Josh Hutcherson. they were just awesome! :)

i am so excited for Catching Fire. i hope it (or Part 1) is as awesome as The Hunger Games.

the mockinjay pin

wow, this post is really long. :/ haha, hope you enjoyed reading. :)) oh, and:


fixed the font... FINALLY.

so my font is not Comic Sans anymore... hooray for me, i guess. oh well, i just had to say that. :)

Sunday, March 4, 2012

why is my font suddenly Comic Sans?

does this have anything to do with my Bob Ong obsession? i don't get it.. :/ it just changed automatically. weird...

Saturday, February 25, 2012

Elementary! :)

well, i have been addicted to Sherlock Holmes for the past three years, but i have read a book called The Sherlockian by Graham Moore, and it rekindled my passion for the SH canon.

i have to say, Moore has a really believable Victorian era prose... the way he narrated the events in Arthur Conan Doyle's life was quite realistic... like Arthur was the one writing the words himself. i loved reading those parts...

but his modern prose was a bit weak, i think. it would never have kept me reading if the chapters were not alternating between the Victorian era and modern England. but the mystery was nice, even though it was a bit predictable.

however, like i said, it did bring back my love for the Sherlock Holmes series, and i started to read The Hound of the Baskervilles again. i strongly suggest it to mystery lovers, and even mystery haters, i guess... everyone loves The Hound of the Baskervilles. it's probably Conan Doyle's best work. ever.

my favorite detective. :D