Saturday, July 9, 2011

Angelica Zambrano

i am confused.

i really want to believe her testimony, but it makes me scared. especially the part about hell. i mean, who wouldn't be? the first time i saw the written testimony, i was like: this isn't real. but as i read on, and on, and on... i started to think that it is too weird and detailed to make up. and angelica seems to be telling the truth... i don't know what to think, though. reading about pope john paul 2, a most beloved pope, in hell of all places, is just unbelievable.

Click here to view the original video.

Sunday, July 3, 2011

The Dexionary and other "kowtable koytz"

i already wrapped it up!

well, to those who don't know what it is, it's this big notebook we filled with quotable quotes from school. it all started when i wrote down a bunch of funny things we said at the back of my music notebook... and with the help of my bff tin and dexter, of course, ;) we created.... *cue drum roll*

THE DEXIONARY!!!!! well, kaye and the others thought of the name. :D it's awesome.